July 15, 2009

Year round!

I got invited to stay at the Kirov for the school year and study there.  I decided though that I am going to stay in Colorado because I feel that I would be getting a great education and still a great dance technique.  I am a little disappointed but I am really happy that I got invited.

I'm going to D.C.!

I am in D.C. dancing at the Kirov. :)  It is so much fun here.  I leave my dorm at 7:00 a.m. and I don't get back till 7:30 p.m.  The classes I have are mime, flamenco, contemporary, character, pilates, and ballet.  All of my classes are and hour and 1/2 long except for ballet, which is 3 and 1/2 hours long.  I am so sore.  I can't wait to come home.  :)